A 'Wireless' Intelligent Charger

Problem: IED Project/ plugging a phone into an adapter is to simple. Namely this project was deigned to make a
more useful interface for my simple inductive pad charger.
The answer to most problems: microcontrollers.
Functions:-Charge my cell phone
-Intelligently turn on inductive charger when device that is compatible is attached.
-make an interface that works in multiple modes: English / Spanish
-make the device be efficient
-Must work in multiple languages [if you can flaunt it, why not?]
-Be relatively efficient
Video of it in action [Windows media]-make an interface that works in multiple modes: English / Spanish
-make the device be efficient
-Must work in multiple languages [if you can flaunt it, why not?]
-Be relatively efficient
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Electrical & Electrical Power